September 16, 2008

Improving Primary Care: Strategies and Tools for a Better Practice (Lange Medical Books)

By admin

The authors of the world’s best-selling health policy text offer valuable insights and guidance to primary care practitioners

Practice Improvement: The Primary Care Source Book offers frank appraisals and concrete recommendations for primary care practitioners on how to meet the huge, stress-inducing, challenges that they face on a daily basis. The authors offer innovative approaches and suggestions to dealing with primary care issues ranging from the latest electronic technologies to non-traditional options for the patient-physician encounter.

Customer Review: Redesigning Primary Care

Primary Care is the foundation of any health care system, yet in the U.S. it is undervalued. This timely book provides a recipe with examples to redesigning primary care in the U.S. and anywhere. The authors are experts and are familiar with the latest innovative models. The only thing missing here is a description of the new online platform of care that will be most peoples’ personal medical home in the future.

Customer Review: Great, readable resource

As a Physician Assistant and an instructor in the Stanford Primary Care Associate Program, I highly recommend this book. Improving Primary Care: Strategies and Tools for a Better Practice is good reading for physician assistants and for doctors, nurses, and nurse practitioners, who feel that their clinics or medical practices need to work in a better way. It is also good reading for patients who need to know what they can expect from a medical office or clinic. Why is it so hard to get an prompt appointment and what can be done about it? What does it mean to be “patient-centered”? Is the 15-minute visit with the primary care provider adequate to provide all the acute, chronic and preventive services that people need? If not, what can be done about it? All these questions and many more are discussed in detail in this readable book.

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